On Divine Consciousness, and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (not really)
“Are our bodies machines of a divine creation? Are we just tourists on rented vehicles for this journey of life? Am i going crazy? ” Some years ago I had a minor surgery. After the surgery, the doctor prescribed me Tramadol hydrochloride for 3 days. Tramadol is a synthetic opoid that is very good at killing pain. But there was something else to it too… I clearly remember those 3 days as the happiest days of my life. I felt content, woke up early for Fajr namaz everyday. Never hit snooze once in those 3 days, slept peacefully and felt peace in every small activity of my day. Life was beautiful. People were kind, friends and family were dear. All that crap. And my every action came forth with gratefulness to Allah for every blessing He had endowed upon me. Anyways, away went those 6 tablets and after 3 days I went back to work. And that was when all hell broke loose. I would be in the middle of work when all of a sudden tears would start to roll down my e...