The Downfall of one Mr.Adil Zaid...
“Well, i am adil zaid, and i fell down….
And it wasn’t a single hurdle that tripped me; for the hurdles were never too high and the climb was never too steep. And my limbs are strong and my passion unrelenting and my will unbending. But who says we only fall when we stuble on our path…Sometimes we just fumble and fall cause we get tired of walking and we can’t allow ourselves to take a rest. Sometimes we deliberate our fall so we can get out of this mad race for the supposed peak. Sometimes we just fall to get out of the race we are no longer inclined to run. Sometimes we fall not when the path gets tough but when our inner self discards all will to move.
I’m not a depressive…but i don’t trust happiness. I dont hate people but i dislike being with them too much. How much is too much? I can’t say. People say i’m a poet and a philosopher, but they miss the point. They focus more on my hairstyle than my content. I’m not a bore, although having fun and enjoying myself might not be on the top of my list. I demand my peace, and pray for you to let me be in peace. And i pray for peace to be upon you too…
I’m not interested in theory, but to put it into practice. I love experimenting. And i get bruised aplenty.
I’m a grunge soul as i torture myself when i feel like setting the world on fire, cause that would be impolite.
And i’m a kiddin’ you with my bullshit. Only thing is i like to believe in it too…”
And it's not too high or too steep and it's not one peak that we're trying to reach.we're all running after different things. and here's the point dude, actually about the world famous question "Does the end justify the means?" and the answer is, "No, It does not".
So when you feel like stopping and taking a rest or distancing yourself it is not so bad as just running along and cursing..."Uski maan ...ya uski behen...cursing your friends, your boss, grudging your family..."
No dude! take a break and take a rest and join the race where you want...It's called owning up to your life and in the end that counts! accepting responsibility with love.
I pray for you too and you're my hero too, so keep living and keep loving.
Sometimes being down and out is the best way to recuperate 'coz sometimes when we just keep on running we lose track.
But always find the courage man to get back into the race,It'll come to if you look, always!