We Want More Reservations!!!

I am driving to Nanded from Aurangabad on SH177 and at Jalna I see a green coloured neon sign that reads Nanded 246 KMs. Some 100m down the line is another sign, Nanded 226 KMs. Then after 4 KMs, I read a sign that says Nanded 255 KMs.

Now obviously, we have a problem here. No, it’s not the bed intruder. The problem is that there is not enough reservation in jobs! There is not enough representation in legal terms for certain people. And the solution is that at least a small fraction, perhaps 22.35% of all candidates, should be chosen upon merit.

Mind you, this is not a one-off problem. I saw similar milestones on NH2 between Agra and Faridabad. Palwal was getting farther I more I drove towards it, if I were to believe the milestones!

Now I am not against reservation for different classes and sects. No sir. Because if you choose people upon merit, then even candidates who compete within reserved quotas would be good. But I am against the informal, undisclosed reservation that causes people who don’t deserve to be on company payroll to be selected based on their jaan-pehchaan or the money they shelled out for the job or I don’t know what. But the results are out there for all to see.

Because of this informal reservation, we get a bunch of careless morons in delicate positions who are bereft of morality and the understanding that theirs is a public service job, being paid from the taxes collected from supposedly hard-working people, in order to give the collective citizens some general or specific benefit.

Now you may say that a meritorious person, because he would be so awesome, could easily get a good job anywhere. He hence doesn’t need reservation! But we have to understand that reservation is not for upliftment or employment. Reservation is for representation. You cannot expect to give a job or a college seat to one (or more) person(s) and expect that his class will get uplifted. It only gets represented, which helps to promote harmony between inter-dependent people from diverse backgrounds within the workspace and acts as an inspiration to people back home to follow similar paths of education and upliftment.

Just like people from weak backgrounds think they need to be represented in order to give to give meaning to a true democracy, similarly deserving actors and decision makers need to be represented in jobs and decision making processes as well. Otherwise decisions and their implementation would not be optimal, would they?

India is a unique country where we have layer upon layer of people who have roamed into and walked the lands freely, and then have been conquered and oppressed by more incoming people. The conquerors became the conquered became the helpless, turn by turn. We are at an epoch-making time in Indian history now. Where the good and talented people are being conquered to be replaced by the corrupt and the inefficient. It is high time we start demanding reservation, before our voice becomes too weak to be heard.

I drove 40 KMs more and now there’s a signboard that reads Nanded 225 KMs. I turn a corner, just maybe 25m ahead of the last sign, and another says Nanded 212 KMs.

That’s why I say, we should demand reservation! Let's block the roads, hold dharnas AK style, block railway routes, do naked protests infront of the Parliament, and let our voices be heard. Reserve seats in jobs, say 19.83%, for meritorious people! And let them do their job! Please, for the sake of our country… give them reservation!

Even 15.47% will do.

P.S. Totally untrustworthy and unreliable hypothetical true story of some Veterinary job allocation in suburban UP that has no relation to reality and should not be taken seriously or at face value (like everything else in this article): the relative of a famous politician was auctioning seats for veterinary doctors. Each seat was to go for 1.5 Lacs. When the person who narrated this untrustworthy and untrue incident went for his turn, all the seats had been sold out. Except one. This was a senior position, so naturally no one had opted for it as it would be dearer. Our protagonist looked at the position, made a grim face and said that for the position on offer, he wouldn’t be able to shell out 1.5 Lacs. He could only give 1L. The auctioneer looked at the position, looked at the man, and said ok, he could have it. Certainly he did not even know what positions he was selling, or could not understand what the designations meant. Unaware, he took his money, while our protagonist came back with a sly bargain.


Anonymous said…
Calculation behind %values?
Adil Zaid said…
rnd function in C++

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