Of Vain Cheerfulness and the Humility in Being Unhappy

I hate cheerful people. They are so out of touch with reality…
Go to the zoo and see the animals there. See anyone laughing? No, cause they’re locked up cages you’ll say…
Then go out to the forest and see the birds and animals; check out the street dogs even. Ever seen them laughing? No.
Obviously, cause it isn’t natural to be happy!

Happiness is a senseless emotion that somehow got infused into our bloodstream. By the devil, I tell you!

I hate cheerful people. Trying to spread a warm message that life is good and shit like that. Why bother going to such depths to make people happy when they have no intrinsic emotion to be it! Why feed them lies!

There’s this friend of mine. Has started this new business where he sends people happy and positive messages. Makes them get up with a smile. See the positive side of life. He’s into the happiness business. What a liar! One time, I remember, he almost died from jaundice. Then said “screw you” to death and came back. Fought back death so that he could live again and spread the message to people who don’t realize their life’s worth. So it makes sense for him to be happy, right?

Wrong! Cause happiness is just not a natural state for a living being to be in!
I look at happy people and wonder if they’re high on those Rastafarian Jamaican herbals….

You see, anger is hereditary. You’ll say no, and I’ll say what do you know! Look around you. If you find that a father has sudden fits of anger, then you’ll find the traits in at least one of their children too. It’s in their genes.

Quote from a website, taken without permission,”I grew up in quite a dysfunctional family. My father had anger problems for quite a while, and my brother took it over from him.
I notice from myself that I sometimes cross the border too.” [1]

And another one, “My dad, too, had a temper, my brother had bizarre behaviors, I was always irritable and pictures I review of myself from when I was a baby (till now, not really) on up I was either crying, mad, or too hyper to pose (I was diagnosed ADD two years ago - swell) they didn't have that "back then". I'm 48 and am trying meds to balance my irritability over dumb stuff not worth the effort, but, I wonder if I'm addicted to overreacting over negative thoughts? (My dad was a "weekend" alcoholic) so, I've gone through my fair share of love affairs with addictions and have run out! Ahhh yes, and then there's menopause just around the corner. GAWD I'm glad I live alone (and so will others, ha!). Well, onward through the fog.” [2]

Dr.Barry Starr from Stanford University has the following to say about anger being inherited: “Temperament is made up of three parts -- emotionality, activity level and sociability… Emotionality is how easily someone gets scared or mad in upsetting situations.

From lots of different studies, it looks like about half of our emotionality is inherited. The other half comes from where we live, how we're raised, etc.” [3]

See! In fact, I don’t need to justify that anger is hereditary. It is a logical conclusion! Look at it from the point of view of survival, and it was and will be a necessity for survival. You see, nature intended us to be angry, so that we could survive. If not, we could have been brainless happy and died like the dodos!

You’ve seen angry dogs. It’s every living being’s instinct!

And just imagine the energy required to be happy! Being angry requires energy too, and I’m not saying we should promote anger, no. But spending inordinate amounts of energy on being happy and then promoting happiness makes me sad. All that energy could be put to better use. Like switching channels on the TV…

To people who say that one should be happy and have positive energy, well, I ask why! What is the deep rooted problem in your social life that makes you so hell-bent on deciding how others should live their life! What is the kink in your cranium that makes you hallucinate in broad daylight and think it’s good to be happy! Let others be! Let them do what they want! It’s their life, not yours! Let them tear each other apart as long as you don’t get to see or hear of the gruesome incidents (Cause if you don’t hear of it or see it, it will never ask you to question your own happiness over your existence)!

You’ll find that most people who appear happy have a deep-rooted sadness in their hearts. It’s not for your happiness that they care about. It’s their own. Like a nigh-watchman who bangs his stick shouting “jaagte raho (keep awake)” at night, whose intention is not to awaken you by his calls or his clatter, but it’s to keep himself awake…

Happiness is not hereditary. It is not by instinct. I hate cheerful people. Them chauvinistic optimists!!!

Of course, I am just kidding…:D (lest you think I was not!!!)


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